Minimize the Chance of Tapered Threads From Leaking

By webadmin | in taper threads

Tapered thread connections can have a tendency to leak. If you have to use tapered thread connections, there are tricks to minimize them from leaking. How to minimize the chance of your tapered thread connections from leaking. First, don't waste your time with thread tape - I only ever use it when there's no thread sealing compound available. I've had best success with Loctite 567 and 577 (my favorite), which are pastes rather than liquids like some of the others. If you're re-sealing a joint, thorough cleaning of the old adaptor and port is essential. If you're in your workshop, a brush wheel in a bench grinder does a great job on the threads of the adaptor. But the female threads in the port aren't so easy. Once you've removed all remnants of thread tape or sealant, the next step is to use the appropriate Loctite cleaner. Don't skip this step - you'll regret it. Next, if you're not able to wait the 6 hours or so for acceptable cure strength, apply the Activator 7649 and allow it to dry. If you have the luxury of leaving the joint overnight before pressurizing it, you can skip this step. Starting two threads back, apply a bead of paste around the entire circumference - completely filling the threads. Do the same with the female threads in the port. Now torque the joint. I will go over proper torquing next week.   Craig Cook

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